- to combine forces
- объединить силы
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
combine forces — index cooperate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
combine forces — join/combine/forces phrase to start to work together in order to achieve a shared goal Scientists and dairy farmers should join forces to overcome variations in milk quality. Thesaurus: to do something with someone elsesynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
combine forces (with somebody) — join/combine ˈforces (with sb) idiom to work together in order to achieve a shared aim • The two firms joined forces to win the contract. Main entry: ↑forceidiom … Useful english dictionary
combine forces — Ⅰ. combine/join forces ► to work with someone in order to achieve something you both want: »The two companies, one Dutch the other French, have just joined forces to exploit the European market for petfood. Main Entry: ↑force Ⅱ. join forces ► to… … Financial and business terms
Combine (Half-Life) — The Combine The Combine clamp symbol, seen commonly throughout the series Series Half Life series First game Half Life 2 (2004) … Wikipedia
combine — v. 1) (D; intr., tr.) to combine against (to combine forces against a common enemy) 2) (D; intr., tr.) to combine with (hydrogen combines with oxygen; to combine initiative with caution; to combine business with pleasure) * * * [ kɒmbaɪn] (D;… … Combinatory dictionary
combine — ▪ I. combine com‧bine 2 [ˈkɒmbaɪn ǁ ˈkɑːm ] noun [countable] COMMERCE an association of two or more businesses or companies that work together on a temporary or permanent basis: • a large regional banking combine • There may be concern if one… … Financial and business terms
combine/join forces — Ⅰ. combine/join forces ► to work with someone in order to achieve something you both want: »The two companies, one Dutch the other French, have just joined forces to exploit the European market for petfood. Main Entry: ↑force Ⅱ. join forces ► to… … Financial and business terms
Forces armées péruviennes — Fuerzas Armadas del Perú Branches Armée de terre Marine de guerre Armée de l air Police nationale Quartier général Lima … Wikipédia en Français
combiné — combiné, ée (kon bi né, née) part. passé. 1° Objets combinés deux à deux. Armée, flotte combinée, armée, flotte formée des forces réunies de deux ou plusieurs puissances. Terme de chimie. Réuni par combinaison. L oxygène et l hydrogène… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
combine — I (act in concert) verb act as one, act jointly, affiliate with, ally, associate, band together, coact, collaborate, collude, concert, confederate, conspire, cooperate, coordinate, enlist with, enter into partnership with, federate, form a union … Law dictionary